Home Gym Must haves for an efficient workout. A cardio machine and some weights.

Home Gym Must Haves: 10 Equipment Dos and Don’ts in 2023

Home Gym Essentials for maximizing your space and optimizing your health.

Creating the perfect home gym must-haves list can be daunting, especially with countless options in today’s fitness market. Let us help you make an effective and efficient workout space tailored to your needs.

We’ll begin by discussing how to assess your available space and choose the most appropriate room for your home gym.

Bodybuilders, endurance athletes, and those training to optimize their health all have different goals. Your home gym “must haves” will look slightly different. Keep your goals in mind as you create and design your home gym.

Storage is often overlooked. We will review the best storage solutions, including the best squat racks. 

Also, what gym equipment should you avoid? There is gym equipment that will end up just collecting dust. It isn’t worth spending money on all the new gadgets. Let’s jump into the guide! Start designing your home gym!

Quick List: Home Gym Must Haves

Every Gym looks different. These staple pieces of gym equipment will satisfy athletes for any goal.

  1. Dumbbells: Versatile. Must have equipment for Total body workouts.
  2. Barbell and Plates: A considerable investment for hip thrusts, squats, Bench Press RDL, and more!
  3. Bench: The perfect tool for almost any exercise assistance or modifications.
  4. Cardio (Treadmill, Stationary Bike, or Rowing): Any fitness goal should include cardio!
  5. Weight Racks or gym storage will go a long way to save space!
  6. Plyo Box: A good tool for plyometrics, box jumps, and modifying workouts.
  7. Kettlebells: These are similar to dumbbells.
  8. Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are an excellent tool for mobility, activating muscles, and assisting workouts. Many bodyweight exercises can become more intense with resistance bands.
  9. Fitness Trackers or Heart Rate Monitor: Take coaching into your own hands and track your progress with a fitness tracker! Knowing your body will give you the power to make workouts more efficient.
  10. Accessories (jump rope, yoga mat, foam roller, weighted vests): A jump rope is one of the simplest and most efficient ways to increase your heart rate. Yoga mats are great for stretching after a workout, adding some padding to hard floors, and yoga! Invest in good recovery tools as you go. Foam Rollers are affordable and practical for recovery. Weighted vests are great for adding intensity.

Home Gym Equipment Skips

Some equipment ends up collecting dust. If the equipment is too specific, it can usually be accomplished with other items.

  1. Ab machines: You can save money and space by accomplishing ab workouts with dumbbells, resistance bands, or body weight.
  2. Hip Adduction/Abduction: This is not worth the investment for small gyms. These exercises can be accomplished with resistance bands or other weights.
  3. Ab sliders: The disks that were pretty popular for ab workouts probably will only get used once before they get lost in a corner.
  4. Too many Weights at one time. As you build up strength, you can expand your collection. There is no point in buying multiple 45-pound plates if you are not lifting 10-pound plates.
  5. Leg press: This machine will take up space in a home gym. You can maximize a barbell or dumbbell instead.

Moral of the story. We take “Home Gym Must Haves” seriously. The key is multifunctional or constantly used gym equipment.

Table of Contents:

Assessing Your Space

Before building your home gym, consider the space you have available. You can focus better when you pick a designated space. You will need enough area to feel comfortable moving.

How much space do I need for a home gym?

A minimum of 150-250 square feet will be enough space for a home gym. Treadmills need about 30 square feet. Free weights need 20-50 square feet. Multiple accessory gyms need closer to 200 square feet.

Creating a pleasant, stimulating atmosphere will help keep you motivated to achieve your physical fitness objectives. To get started, follow these steps:

Choosing an Appropriate Room for Your Home Gym

Select a room with enough space for your desired home gym equipment. A dedicated area where you can focus solely on exercising without distractions. Choose a room with natural light and good ventilation to create an inviting atmosphere.

Decorating with Motivational Elements

Create an atmosphere that encourages you to stay on track. Remember that it’s essential to invest in home gym essentials that suit both your needs and the available room.

motivational sign for home gym
  • Motivational pictures or quotes: Hang inspirational posters or artwork. Motivational quotes that resonate with your fitness journey.
  • A TV or screen: Set up a television or tablet in the workout space. Stream online classes from gyms like Orangetheory Fitness At-Home Workouts. Or Yoga with Adriane.
  • Mirrors: Mirrors provide an illusion of more space. They are home gym must-haves, as you can check your form.
  • Flooring options: Choose flooring materials such as rubber mats or interlocking foam tiles designed for exercise spaces. Protect the surfaces beneath heavy equipment and provide cushion support underfoot during workouts.

Home Gym Must Haves: Mirrors

Our Pick

HANS Wall-Mounted Polished Mirror

This mirror is an excellent option for small or large home gyms. Each mirror is 48X32 inches. Order one or five! It just depends on the space. These mirrors are reliable quality and easy to install.

Our Pick

ITSRG Floor Mirror 

This mirror is an elegant option for home gyms. This measures 21X64 Inches. Therefore this elongated mirror would suit many rooms and is portable. If you want a slender mirror, this is our top pick!

Set up your floor and wall first. You can at least do bodyweight exercises and add more equipment later with a good floor.

Home Gym Must Haves: Floors

Our Pick


This flooring option from Rogue comes in 100 sq. ft. rolls. The thickness ranges from 8mm to half an inch and more. It is a satisfying base for any home gym.

Our Pick

ProsourceFit Puzzle Exercise Mat

A fantastic affordable option for a home gym floor. Nonslip diamond plate design with a half-inch thickness providing anti-fatigue cushion. Available in 24, 48, and 144 sq ft. packages.

Starting with Basic Equipment

Before diving into expensive gym equipment, start with essential equipment. These beginner-friendly tools are budget-friendly and versatile enough to cater to various fitness levels and goals.

Yoga mats for floor exercises

Yoga mats can be an alternative to flooring. Therefore investing in a yoga mat can lessen the cost of your home gym. A yoga mat is an indispensable piece of equipment in any home gym setup. For instance, they provide cushioning and support.

Especially for stretching, yoga, Pilates, or even strength training moves such as push-ups and planks. Choose a nonslip mat made from eco-friendly materials for added durability and comfort.

Our Pick


The Manduka brand is a staple of the yoga community. Firstly, they are reliable. Secondly, they are built to last a lifetime. Thirdly, the 6mm cushion is outstanding. Therefore they are loved across the yoga community! And easy to clean!

Manduka Store

Lightweight dumbbells for strength training

Adding dumbbells to your exercise regimen can help enhance muscle tone, equilibrium, and overall physical strength. The Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells, which offer multiple weight options in one compact design, are perfect for beginners looking to save space while still getting the benefits of free weights.

Resistance bands for versatile workouts

  • Different resistance levels: Resistance bands come in various strengths, so you can easily adjust the intensity of your workout based on your current fitness level.
  • Various exercises: Resistance bands offer different workout options, from upper-body movements like bicep curls or tricep extensions to lower-body exercises like squats or glute bridges.
  • Portable and compact: These lightweight bands can be easily stored or taken for workouts anytime, anywhere.

The Bodylastics Resistance Bands are an excellent choice for those looking to incorporate versatile strength training into their home gym routine. With multiple band strengths and accessories included, these bands provide endless possibilities for total body exercises.

Incorporating essential equipment like yoga mats, lightweight dumbbells, and resistance bands into your home gym setup is a cost-effective way to kickstart your fitness journey. As you progress in your workouts and gain confidence in using these tools consistently at home, consider investing further in larger exercise equipment to help you reach your fitness goals faster.

Starting with basic equipment is an essential first step for any home gym, as it provides the foundation of your fitness routine. Moving on to more advanced cardio options can help you take your workouts up a notch and challenge yourself further.

Key Takeaway: This article provides an overview of essential home gym equipment, such as yoga mats, light weight dumbbells and resistance bands. For those who wish to begin their own at-home fitness journey without overspending, this article offers an ideal starting point with its selection of essential home gym equipment. With the right equipment, you can easily make strides towards reaching your fitness goals.

Cardio Equipment Options

If you’re looking to assemble a comprehensive fitness center in your abode, including the proper cardio apparatus for your objectives and tastes is an absolute must. Cardio workouts help improve heart health and contribute significantly towards weight loss and overall well-being. Here are some excellent options for incorporating cardio into your home gym:

Treadmills for Indoor Running Sessions

Sunny Health & Fitness motorized walking/jogging treadmill T7643, is an ideal choice for those who love running or jogging but can’t always head outdoors due to weather constraints or time limitations. With its sturdy construction, multiple speed settings, and incline options, this treadmill provides a customized workout experience right in the comfort of your own home.

Ellipticals Providing Full-Body Cardio Workouts

The Bowflex Max Trainer elliptical machine offers full-body workouts while minimizing the impact on joints – perfect for individuals with joint issues or those seeking low-impact exercise alternatives. This versatile equipment simultaneously targets all major muscle groups while providing an effective cardiovascular workout.

Rowing Machines Targeting Major Muscle Groups

A Sunny Health & Fitness Compact Folding Magnetic Rowing Machine is another fantastic option if you’re looking to engage various muscle groups during your cardio sessions. Rowing machines provide total body exercises focusing on upper and lower body muscles, making them an efficient choice for a comprehensive workout. Plus, their compact design makes it easy to fold and store when not in use.

With these cardio equipment options in your home gym, you can enjoy effective workouts that cater to your needs without relying on commercial gyms or gym memberships. Investing in quality exercise equipment will help you stay committed to your fitness journey while providing the convenience of working out at home.

Cardio equipment options are essential for any home gym, providing an array of exercises to keep you motivated and healthy. Cycling enthusiasts have various choices for stationary bikes that offer Bluetooth connectivity during workouts.

Key Takeaway: An ideal home gym should include a variety of cardio equipment that caters to the individual’s fitness goals and preferences. Invest in good exercise machines like motorized treadmills, ellipticals and rowers to maintain your home workout schedule while enjoying the ease of working out at residence – don’t skimp on these.

Heading 4: Cycling Enthusiasts’ Choices

For the cycling enthusiast, a stationary bike is an ideal way to bring the excitement of biking indoors and monitor progress while adjusting resistance levels for a tailored workout. These bikes provide an excellent cardio workout while allowing you to track your progress and adapt resistance levels for a personalized experience.

Echelon EX-series Stationary Bikes

One popular option among fitness enthusiasts is the Echelon EX-15, which offers smooth performance and various features that cater to cyclists of all skill levels. The Echelon EX-15 is designed to fit into any home gym setup with its compact size, making it an ideal choice for those looking to maximize their space.

Benefits of Bluetooth Connectivity During Workouts

Beyond its impressive physical features, the Echelon EX-15 also boasts Bluetooth connectivity capabilities. This allows users to wirelessly connect their devices during workouts for convenience and entertainment. For example:

  • Stream live classes: Connect your device to online spin classes or other guided workouts led by professional trainers.
  • Create custom playlists: Curate your favorite tunes or podcasts on apps like Spotify or Apple Music, then sync them with your bike for motivation during intense sessions.
  • Analyze data: Use compatible fitness apps like Strava or MyFitnessPal to track metrics such as distance traveled, calories burned, and heart rate throughout each ride – perfect for monitoring progress towards specific goals.

Incorporating a top-notch stationary bike like the Echelon EX-15 into your home gym will help you achieve those exhilarating indoor cycling sessions and provide the convenience and personalization that today’s fitness enthusiasts crave. Don’t let this essential exercise gear for your Gym pass you by.

Cycling enthusiasts should consider the Echelon EX-series stationary bikes for a more convenient and enjoyable workout experience with Bluetooth connectivity. For strength training, it is vital to have essential equipment such as adjustable benches, squat stands, and power racks.

Key Takeaway: This article outlines the benefits of investing in a high-quality stationary bike for cycling enthusiasts, such as the Echelon EX-15. This advanced piece of equipment is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and features that allow users to stream live classes, create custom playlists and analyze data – all essential components for building an effective home gym setup. Don’t miss out on this must have item.

Strength Training Essentials

Building a solid foundation for your home gym involves investing in equipment that supports strength training. A versatile weight bench and squat stand, or power rack, are essential pieces of equipment to help you perform compound movements, which target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

FLYBIRD Adjustable Workout Bench for Versatile Strength Training

An adjustable workout bench like the FLYBIRD Adjustable Workout Bench is an excellent addition to any home gym setup. This sturdy bench can handle up to 800 pounds of weight and offers flat, incline, and decline settings, allowing you to perform various exercises targeting different muscle groups. The FLYBIRD bench is also foldable, making it easy to store when not in use.

Squat Stands and Power Racks for Heavy Lifting Exercises

Exercises that involve lifting heavier weights are essential for increasing muscle mass and strength. Squat stands such as the Rogue SML-1 Monster Lite Squat Stand or power racks like the Force USA MyRack Modular Power Rack provide a safe environment for performing squats, overhead presses, and other compound movements with heavy weights.

  • Rogue SML-Series: These squat stands are made from high-quality steel construction, ensuring durability and stability. They also feature adjustable J-cups, allowing you to customize the height for various exercises.
  • Force USA MyRack: This modular power rack offers numerous customization options, including different pull-up bars, safety spotter arms, and attachments for cable exercises. This rack provides an ideal solution for those looking to build a complete home gym that can support a variety of strength training exercises.

By incorporating these essential pieces of equipment into your home gym setup, you can effectively perform total body exercises that target all major muscle groups. With consistent use and proper form, you’ll see significant improvements in your overall strength and fitness levels over time.

Essential strength-building equipment is necessary for any home gym, offering the means to construct muscle and power. Low-impact exercise machines can be excellent for those seeking fitness without over-stressing their bodies.

Key Takeaway: As a highly knowledgeable professional, I can confidently say that strength training is essential for any home gym. Investing in quality equipment like adjustable workout benches and squat stands or power racks will help you target multiple muscle groups efficiently while providing safety during heavy lifting exercises.

Low-Impact Workout Equipment

For a complete home gym experience, consider investing in equipment that offers low-impact workouts. These options are perfect for those who want to maintain an active lifestyle while being gentle on their joints and muscles. Two excellent choices include the Total Gym APEX G3 and the YOSUDA spin bike.

Total Gym APEX G3 Providing Full-Body Resistance Training

The Total Gym APEX G3 is a versatile piece of fitness equipment designed to provide full-body resistance training without putting excessive strain on your joints. With over 70 different exercises available, this machine allows you to work for all major muscle groups while minimizing the impact on your body. The exclusive design of the Total Gym APEX G3 will enable you to adjust the difficulty level of your exercise routine by utilizing your body weight as resistance.

  • Versatile: Offers over 70 different exercises for total body conditioning.
  • Gentle on Joints: Low-impact workouts reduce stress on knees, hips, and other sensitive areas.
  • Adjustable Intensity: Easily modify exercise difficulty by changing incline levels or adding accessories like resistance bands.

YOSUDA Spin Bikes as Cost-effective Cycling Options

If you’re looking for an affordable yet effective way to incorporate cycling into your home gym routine, look no further than YOSUDA’s indoor cycling bikes. The brand’s popular model – YOSUDA Indoor Cycling Bike Stationary – is a perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the benefits of spinning without breaking the bank. With its sturdy construction, smooth belt drive system, and adjustable resistance levels, this bike provides an excellent low-impact workout option to help you achieve your fitness goals.

  • Affordable: Offers a high-quality indoor cycling experience at a fraction of the cost of premium models.
  • Smooth Performance: Belt-driven system ensures quiet and consistent rides every time.
  • Customizable Resistance: Easily adjust tension levels to suit your desired intensity during workouts.

Incorporating low-impact equipment like the Total Gym APEX G3 or YOSUDA spin bikes into your home gym setup diversifies your exercise options. It helps protect your body from potential injuries caused by high-impact activities. By prioritizing safety alongside performance, you’ll be able to maintain long-term health while still achieving impressive results in strength training and cardiovascular endurance.

Low-impact workout equipment such as Total Gym APEX G3 and YOSUDA spin bikes are great options for those looking to stay fit without putting too much strain on their joints. Let’s discuss the importance of storage solutions in your home gym space.

Key Takeaway: I can confidently say that incorporating low-impact equipment like the Total Gym APEX G3 or YOSUDA spin bikes into your home gym setup is “a no brainer” to achieve impressive results while keeping injuries at bay. Opting for low-impact gear, like the Total Gym APEX G3 or YOSUDA spin bikes, provides a harmony between protection and productivity to guarantee sustained well-being.

Storage Solutions

When constructing a home gym, thinking of ways to store items and keep the area free from mess is essential. Investing in a robust storage system like the Rogue RML-390F Monster Lite Rack can make all the difference in maintaining an efficient and enjoyable exercise environment.

Rogue RML-series Storage Racks

The Rogue RML-series storage racks are designed with durability and functionality in mind, ensuring that your valuable gym equipment is stored safely when not in use. These racks offer flexible shelving options for various types of fitness gear, including free weights, resistance bands, and cardio machines. With their sturdy construction and compact design, these racks are perfect for fitting into most spaces comfortably while keeping everything tidy.

Maintaining Organization in Your Home Gym Space

An organized home gym allows you to focus on achieving your fitness goals without distractions or wasted time searching for misplaced items. Here are some tips for maintaining organization within your workout area:

  • Label shelves or bins: Clearly label where each piece of equipment belongs so that everyone using the space knows where to find what they need quickly.
  • Create designated zones: Assign specific areas for different workouts (e.g., strength training zone with weight bench and squat rack; cardio zone with treadmill).
  • Incorporate wall-mounted storage: Utilize vertical space by installing wall-mounted hooks or brackets for hanging accessories such as jump ropes or resistance bands.
  • Purge regularly: Regularly assess your equipment and accessories, removing any broken or no longer in use to free up space for new additions.

By implementing these storage solutions and organization tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a home gym that is both functional and enjoyable. With everything in its proper place, you can focus on what truly matters – achieving your fitness goals.

Storage solutions are essential for keeping your home gym organized and efficient. By employing the correct add-ons, you can up your exercise routine to a higher level.

Key Takeaway: This article provides essential tips for creating an organized and efficient home gym, including investing in a robust storage system like the Rogue RML-390F Monster Lite Rack. Additionally, it suggests labeling shelves or bins, creating designated zones, incorporating wall-mounted storage solutions and purging regularly to maintain organization within your workout space – so you can focus on hitting those fitness goals with ease.

Enhancing Your Workouts with Accessories

For improved results and to achieve fitness goals more effectively, accessories are available that can enhance the workout experience. From drinking enough fluids during your workout to tracking your heart rate, these add-ons can improve the quality of your exercise and help you reach fitness objectives more effectively.

Yeti Rambler Bottles for Hydration

Yeti Rambler bottles are highly recommended by former “Dancing With The Stars” pro-Lindsay Arnold for keeping yourself hydrated throughout your workout. These durable and insulated bottles maintain the temperature of your drink, ensuring that you have access to cold water or sports drinks whenever needed. Staying adequately hydrated is crucial in preventing muscle cramps, maintaining energy levels, and promoting overall health while exercising.

Heart Rate Monitors for Tracking Workout Intensity

Investing in a high-quality heart rate monitor is an excellent idea to ensure that you stay within safe limits throughout your workout sessions. Heart rate monitors offer immediate feedback on the intensity of your exercise regimen, enabling you to adjust it according to desired fitness targets or medical advice. Some popular options include chest strap monitors like Polar H10 and wrist-based devices like Fitbit Charge 4 or Garmin Vivosmart 4.

By integrating these two types of exercise-tracking technology into your home gym, you can enhance the potency of your workouts and remain determined to achieve desired fitness results.

Frequently Asked Questions Home Gym Must Haves

What should you have in a home gym?

A well-equipped home gym should include essential equipment such as cardio machines (treadmills, ellipticals, or cycle bikes), strength training tools (dumbbells, resistance bands, and benches), flexibility aids (yoga mats, blocks, and straps), dedicated storage solutions for your gear, and accessories like heart rate monitors and hydration bottles. Consider your fitness goals and available space when selecting equipment.

What is the most important equipment for a home gym?

The most important equipment for a home gym depends on individual preferences and fitness goals. However, versatile options like adjustable dumbbells or resistance bands are great investments due to their adaptability to various exercises. Cardio machines such as treadmills or stationary bikes can also be valuable additions to maintain overall health.

What should a gym include?

A comprehensive gym setup should cover multiple aspects of fitness, including cardiovascular endurance (treadmills or ellipticals), muscular strength (adjustable dumbbells or squat stands), flexibility improvement (yoga mats and props), functional training systems with integrated performance monitoring features if desired, proper storage solutions for keeping the area organized along with necessary accessories like heart rate monitors.

What do I need to know before building a home gym?

Prioritize understanding your personal fitness goals while considering budget constraints, space availability, safety requirements during workout sessions, and ease of maintenance. Research and compare equipment options, ensuring they cater to your specific needs. Additionally, consider the flooring type for optimal performance and protection of the equipment and floor surface.


No matter your fitness goals, having the right home gym equipment is essential for success. From cardio machines to strength training essentials and dedicated training systems, various “home gym must haves” can help you reach your health and wellness objectives in the comfort of your home. With careful consideration when selecting each piece of equipment, you can create an effective workout environment tailored to meet your needs – so don’t forget to include these items on your shopping list.

Invest in the right equipment for your home gym and start a nutrition plan today to get on track with reaching your fitness goals. With careful planning, you can achieve a practical workout routine that fits any lifestyle.

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